We are a troupe of mythical legendary characters traveling to Faires and Festivals from across time, cultures, and continents.
We are a troupe of mythical legendary characters traveling to Faires and Festivals from across time, cultures, and continents.
Our characters come from legends and folklore of olde and are still believed in by many in modern times.
Kaotic Mythicals spreads joy & happiness to all that see us, entertaining & educating.
Kaotic Mythicals uses live animals, skins, & mounts to educate.
We play “Roll The Stones” where visitors can obtain their fairy or elf name & prove how intuitive mythicals are by reading minds with “Fairy Whisper”.
We entertain while educating visitors with edutainment!
Born of imagination and the need for the human spirit to play, Kaotic Mythicals embraces the joy of discovery, childhood and fantasy.
Found entertaining both children and adults alike in many local and area Renaissance and Fantasy Faires, Kaotic Mythicals brings mythology to life.
Satyrs, Ent, Fairies, Elves, Trolls, Merefolk, Dragons, and Enchanted Humans offer tales, tidbits, and talent.
Staffed by volunteer actors and entertainers the merry band shares the fun of games, quests, characters and fairy-stories.
Roll the fairy stones to learn your magical name, try to best the cards at the magical numbers, cast a wish into the fairy’s pool or take home a rubbing from a magical artifact.
Included in this gathering of “fairy world” beings are live “critters” -elegant walking sticks and exotic Madagascar cockroaches – for the hands-on education and amazement of the participants.
So take a moment to embrace your own imagination and join this delightful group as they spread fun and laughter throughout the day.
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We really appreciate your support to continue our mission if you can: